Dr Clare Evelyn Hill

Dr Clare Evelyn Hill, BSc (Hons), MA, PhD

Graduate Intern

Clare is an experienced ecologist, marine consultant and specialist in statistical analysis, policy and changes to North Sea ecosystem trophic dynamics under climate change. Clare has a wealth of knowledge, experience and understanding of both aquatic and marine ecology, monitoring, and reporting. Clare has proven experience in leading, developing and coordinating data analysis, statistical modelling, and GIS mapping for scientific reporting. With areas of work including marine environmental policy such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), fishery discards and bycatch, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and commercial fish stock assessment. Clare also is experienced in providing consultation for NGOs on Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) boundaries, Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designations and status for Priority Marine Features, UK BAP habitats and OSPAR threatened and declining habitats.

Prior to marine consultancy Clare completed PhD research at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS UHI) and Shetland UHI developing statistical models to assess the impact of the EU CFP landing obligation on the northern North Sea ecosystem and Shetland fisheries in a changing climate.