Dr Andrew Want

Dr Andrew Want, PhD


Dr Andrew Want has over 25 years of experience in the biological sciences, with the past 13+ years focussed on the marine environment. As research associate with Heriot-Watt University in Orkney, he has: worked with local fisheries in improving ecological functioning of marine infrastructure; modelled community responses to long-term change in marine habitats; conducted decommissioning surveys of renewable energy device supporting structures; surveyed MPAs and priority marine features for NatureScot; and, led the international BioFREE biofouling project.

Research interests include: responses of indicator species and biological assemblages to long-term environmental change; assessment of blue carbon habitats; the use of imagery and remote sensing technologies in characterising intertidal and subtidal habitats; biofouling and the movement of non-native marine species; and, connectivity of geographically-isolated species. Working closely with industry, academia, and regulatory bodies, Andrew coordinated standardisation protocols with the European Marine Energy Centre used by the marine renewable energy sector and served as UK representative to the European Energy Research Alliance – subgroup on Ocean Energies. Andrew currently participates in the International Maritime Organization’s GESAMP group on biofouling management, and the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology in Scotland forum on marine renewable energy. 

In addition, he has many years of teaching experience at both university and college level, and has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Andrew first worked with Aquatera Ltd in 2017 as Senior Consultant on interactions between aquaculture and wild fish, marine surveys, and habitat assessments, and continues as Associate.