Andrew Upton, BA (Hons), MSc, CIEEM
Ornithological & Botanical Fieldwork & Impact Assessment (Associate)
First employed by HM Customs & Excise, Andrew made a career change in 2003 following completion of an MSc at ICIT. He was taken on as the ecologist for Orkney Sustainable Energy Ltd for three years before going freelance.
Andrew has now worked in the field of ecological survey reporting and impact assessment for over ten years, building on previous amateur knowledge of birds and plants. He has amassed considerable experience at proposed onshore wind energy developments, having been fully involved in more than 20 ecological impact assessments for sites across Orkney and northern Scotland. Many have been close to Special Protection Areas, requiring rigorous assessment, including collision risk and simple population modelling. Current work includes bird monitoring at existing wind turbines in Orkney.
For Aquatera, Andrew has carried out habitat and breeding bird surveys for a 28km cable route in Caithness and is currently involved in drafting the ornithological impact assessment for an onshore wind farm.